Holiday Shows - bird mafia

Hand- drawn, hand-cut design. Every Bird Mafia design begins as cut paper imagined, drawn, and cut by artist Emily Brown.

2024 Holiday shipping deadline for all orders: 12/14/24

Holiday Shows

Visit us this year as we return to the holiday craft show scene. Come see some new original art pieces, pick up some gifts, and say hello!

DECEMBER 10-11 2016 : Crafty Wonderland at the Oregon Convention Center.
If you can't make it on Saturday or Sunday OR just want first pick, grab a ticket to Friday night's PRESHOW.

DECEMBER 17-18, 2016 : Renegade Craft Fair Seattle at Megnuson Park Hangar 30. When you realize that Xmas is only a week away and you haven't found that perfect gift, don't freak out this year - we'll be there for you!

Gift ideas by bird mafia

Scout Mob for Target