Gift ideas by bird mafia - bird mafia

Hand- drawn, hand-cut design. Every Bird Mafia design begins as cut paper imagined, drawn, and cut by artist Emily Brown.

2024 Holiday shipping deadline for all orders: 12/14/24

Gift ideas by bird mafia

The holiday season is upon us, so we put together some bird mafia gift ideas.

And remember to drop by Renegade Craft Fair in Seattle, Wa (Dec 17 + 18) and Crafty Wonderland in Portland, Or (Dec. 10 + 11) for more giftables, stocking stuffers, original art, and special deals.

Because even wanderers like to go home sometimes. Bison plush $36, Wander print $10, Let's Get Lost banner pillow $42

Because even wanderers like to go home sometimes. Bison plush $36, Wander print $10, Let's Get Lost banner pillow $42

Spirit animal, obsession, or general cuteness addicts will love these. Fox kit plush $24 , Hedgehog plush $20, Rabbit Print $10

Animal or general cuteness addicts will love these. Fox kit plush $24 , Hedgehog plush $20, Rabbit Print $10

Pair well with antique lanterns and photo prints of those long weekend hikes. Fox plush $36, Bear towel $12, Seek Adventure banner pillow $42

Pair well with antique lanterns and photo prints of those long weekend hikes. Fox plush $36, Bear towel $12, Seek Adventure banner pillow $42

"It's been fun!" : shop closed until DEC 27th

"It's been fun!" : shop closed until DEC 27th

Holiday Shows