"It's been fun!" : shop closed until DEC 27th - bird mafia

Hand- drawn, hand-cut design. Every Bird Mafia design begins as cut paper imagined, drawn, and cut by artist Emily Brown.

2024 Holiday shipping deadline for all orders: 12/14/24

"It's been fun!" : shop closed until DEC 27th

"It's been fun!" : shop closed until DEC 27th


The bird mafia shop will be closed until December 27th to give us a break to enjoy the holidays!

A big thank you to everyone who came out to shop, browse, and/or chat at Renegade Craft Fair Seattle and Crafty Wonderland the past two weekends. It's really meeting new people that make these shows fun to vend!

I also want to say thanks to everyone who supported our small business this year. We are so grateful and excited to get to keep doing what we love to do! We have some exciting new designs and ideas for 2017 and we can't wait to share them with you.

Happy Holidays from the bird mafia!

HGTV magazine : Fox feature

HGTV magazine : Fox feature

Gift ideas by bird mafia