Skip the paper - wrap with a towel! - bird mafia

Hand- drawn, hand-cut design. Every Bird Mafia design begins as cut paper imagined, drawn, and cut by artist Emily Brown.

2024 Holiday shipping deadline for all orders: 12/14/24

Skip the paper - wrap with a towel!

Skip the paper - wrap with a towel!

We had a fun, interesting, tree-saving idea this season: flour sack towel gift wrap!


Be a master wrapper this year and wrap your gifts with bird mafia hand-printed towels. A little ribbon, some folding, and you’re set. No tape required.

And who doesn’t love a bonus gift? (Or take it back like your Aunt who collects and irons tissue paper. We’re not judging. She hasn’t had to buy tissue paper for YEARS!)

Save the paper-wrap with a tea towel!

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