Wild garden ; new line, new products - bird mafia

Hand- drawn, hand-cut design. Every Bird Mafia design begins as cut paper imagined, drawn, and cut by artist Emily Brown.

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Wild garden ; new line, new products

Wild garden ; new line, new products

With the end of summer comes a new fall collection full of new designs and new products at birdmafia.com!

The Wild Garden collection is a tribute to nature's garden of the Pacific Northwest : the temperate rain forest. Rich with spongy green moss, sculpturesque displays of mushrooms, and a variety of ferns, vines, and leafy foliage that intertwine to cover and contrast the damp rich earth and bases of towering coniferous trees. 

Check out the full line here.

Inspiration  ::  All summer, as I was working and wishing I was out hiking, I kept going back to a memory of a rainy hike I took last winter. My husband and I followed a trail along a tempestuous river. The rain never let up and we didn't see another soul for miles. The trees swayed in the wind overhead and salamanders scurried across the trail. I was struck (for the millionth time) by the way the wet leaves seemed to almost glow against mud and trees darkened by the perpetual rainfall and the details of all the living parts of the forest foliage. Thinking of this day became a kind of meditation, while I printed, worked at the computer, and tried to survive the 100 degree days of July. And, I suppose somewhat unintentionally, this is what I was inspired to design.

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